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Rule Number Five Book J Wilder pdf Free Download & Read

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Rule number five book

About Rule Number Five: A College Hockey Romance

Book Name:Rule Number 5 Book
Author:Jessa Wilder
Publisher:Jessa Wilder
Language:Bilingual (Both English & Hindi)
File Type:PDF (Downloadable)
PDF Size:2 MB

I had my entire life planned out before I met a hockey player who was determined to defy all of my rules. I finally got to know him, though.

My five easy tips for hooking up keep me focused and prevent me from getting sidetracked. As things stand, I'm quite close to landing my ideal internship. Nothing could convince me to go against what they've decided.

My chest tightens and my breath stops even at the sight of a defensive hockey player with bright eyes, a sharp mouth, and a physique that makes me uncomfortable. The body of the player plays a role in this.

I'm helpless until Jax wins a bet, since all it takes is one kiss to make me crack.

Story of the Book

Jaxton Ryder, a fictional character, fits the bill well.

Despite the lack of drama (and perhaps this is why I felt like something was missing), the novel's protagonists develop from casual acquaintances to close friends to lovers.

Once you arrive, you'll be able to sample the savoury heat for yourself. This Is The Tub, They discuss racy literary passages in depth over the phone.

After sensing and dancing with Jax in a bar, Sidney King learns that Jax is a professional hockey player. Sidney King learns that Jax is on a professional sports team as well. To Sidney, that was the deciding factor. Her policy is very clear: she will never go on a date with a hockey player. They mean for you to endure a great deal of pain.

Sidney intends to achieve her goals, but she will not settle for mediocrity. Nonetheless, she doubts her abilities and worries a lot about coming in second.

Jax has a confidence that is both seductive and endearing towards Sidney. He has joined a group, and he has a plan for his life, but he is afflicted with depression, and he is trying to live his life for the sake of someone else.

In spite of Jax's best efforts to drive a wedge between them, the two grow emotionally close during her rule-breaking experiment.

Finally, I've come to terms with the fact that I support the romantic pairing of Jax and Sidney. He is confident in her abilities and is willing to perform any task, no matter how difficult, to see that she succeeds. By giving Jax a solid foundation, Sidney helps him see opportunities he had previously overlooked. Each one of them has a group of loyal pals who will always be there for them.

To earn my undying love, you need provide nothing at all. It's not just a right; it's a privilege, guy.

After all their hard work, I really feel bad for them.


All right, everybody. In terms of quality, this book was alone in its genre. The young man grew fixated on it. The end consequence was "he fell first and hardest." Complete excellence was the result. Truly, I didn't expect to like JaxSidney so much, but darned if I'm not totally charmed with them now. I couldn't help but give in to Jax's allure, ngl. The way he gently stroked Sid's emotions... Get me a man like that, already! On top of that, my little Sidney broke my heart so fucking much for her. Experiencing a character's pain is different when you can relate to that character on such a deep level, especially when the character has abandonment anxiety or deals with abandonment issues. To avoid heartbreak, you must witness her acting as you would. But the joyful ending for these two is exactly what the world needed. that they fought fiercely for each other in the end. Overall, I'm extremely pleased to have received a free copy of this book in advance of its official release and awarded it a rating of five stars.

My Views on this Book 

I enjoyed this book a lot. Currently, things are moving at a snail's pace. He will be the one to fall first if they both die (which I really love). Each of them felt drawn to the other's company. And there will be plenty of the good stuff available to you. I'll always love Jax no matter what. He is a perfect embodiment of the ideal fictional companion. Attractiveness increases when a man has the makings of a man-ho player but is just interested in the FMC. Many of the scenes were so endearing that I couldn't help but squee. The ways in which Jax takes care of her and defends her from harm while also making it clear to the other girls that he isn't interested in them amount to a contest of bravery. Yep. Absolutely, madly, deeply in love that I can't stand it. In terms of length, the book is adequate, albeit it could have been even more so. In a nutshell, Jax. I'm also looking forward to the next installment in this universe, which I fervently hope will be a sequel. Mia, River, and Alex are in a love triangle, and it promises to be riveting.

Rule Number Five Book J Wilder pdf and Epub Free Download 

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